It is so interesting just how often great things happen in my life and they go ignored and I look at the next day as if the world were against me, and low and behold the same thing happens, things go my way, for the most part.
The bible says in John 1:16, “From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” Like me many people are not always aware of this. We sometimes pay no attention to the fact that God has provided for our needs and desires. I am learning how grateful I should be for the fact that God just keeps on giving regardless of whether we notice it or not. God does not give with conditions. He gives to us and blesses us because of his grace. My prayer is that we will grow in our awareness of God and his grace.
I hope that the things I share on this site will be both inspiring and fun. Have an open mind and an open heart.
Posted by JD Lusan | 

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This post came right in my backyard. It is easy to forget that all we have is by grace.
I have reason to approach the world with an attitude of gratitude virtually all the time, but I too seldom do.
Thanks for the reminder.
Posted by Tom - doubts and all #
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