July 07, 2005

Achilles tendonitis is a painful and often debilitating inflammation of the Achilles tendon, also called the heel cord. The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest tendon in the body. It is located in the back of the lower leg, attaches to the heel bone (calcaneus), and connects the leg muscles to the foot. The Achilles tendon gives us the ability to rise up on our toes, facilitating the act of walking, and Achilles tendonitis can make walking almost impossible.
Click here for the rest of the
Horizontal Therapy is a great modality in treating this indication.

Posted by JD Lusan | 

July 06, 2005
As I drove down the dreary road on my way home from a hard and challenging day at work I suddenly had a feeling come over me. It was one I have felt before. My chest grew tight, I started to sweat, as before my head then began to ache. I could not think straight. I was getting an anxiety attack. But why? Unfortunately I could not and still can't pin point what specifically could have triggered this. Frustrating? Yes, it sure is.
Many people have felt this way and suffer from anxiety disorders. Does not make us different than anyone else.
Here is an article from Forbes.com about what I have illustrated above:
Health Tip: Recognizing Generalized Anxiety Disorder Angela Meadows
(HealthDay News) -- Are you constantly worrying about your health, finances, family or career?
If you've spent at least six months fretting excessively about a number of everyday problems, you may be experiencing Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), says the National Institute of Mental Health. It's a condition that affects about 4 million American adults.
People with GAD are consumed with worry, even when there's no apparent trigger. It's much more than the normal anxiety associated with daily life. People with GAD find it hard to dismiss their worry, even when they know it's more than the situation warrants.
GAD is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, muscle tension and muscle aches. You may also find you have difficultly relaxing, concentrating or sleeping, and you may startle more easily than others.
But constant worry needn't be a way of life. GAD is often treated with medication. The condition typically occurs in conjunction with another anxiety disorder, depression or substance abuse, which will need treatment, as well.

Posted by JD Lusan | 

July 04, 2005
If you are serious about learning about osteoarthritis go here or to this handout.
Posted by JD Lusan | 

Please click here for an excellent explanation of pain.
Posted by JD Lusan | 

The Changing Face of Medicine
The last decade has seen a shift in the way Americans view medicine. Despite the various benefits of pharmacological treatments, problems such as side effects and addictiveness have demonstrated to many in the medical community a need for investigation into new approaches to patient care. As such, many physicians have found that electromedicine offers a viable and effective alternative to drug therapies. Having been used in many other countries for decades, U.S. practitioners are now finding that there are many inherent advantages to electromedicine.
These include:
Easy to administer
Safe and effective
Minimal side effects, easily avoided
Consequently, an increasing number of clinics, hospitals, and private practices across the country are re-evaluating their treatment options with the application of electromedicine in mind.
What is Electromedicine?Put simply, electromedicine is a discipline within the field of medicine that deals with the use of electricity to aid in the treatment of a variety of physical ailments.
How Does Electromedicine Work?In basic terms the science is this. Electricity is found naturally in all of us. Certain electrical impulses in our bodies help facilitate bodily functions including actions needed for healing. By mimicking the electrical impulses that occur in us, we can help facilitate a specific effect. Electromedicine is able to trigger these impulses by varying the frequency, wave length, intensity, and location of the electricity applied to the patient. Understanding how these elements interplay to create a desired effect is the basis for the science.
A Brief History of ElectromedicineElectromedicine, or the use of electricity to treat physical ailments, is considered one of the oldest and most documented sciences known. Medical professionals of ancient Greece learned that the electrical impulses emitted from electric eels in clinical foot baths relieved pain and produced a favorable influence on the blood circulation. Doctors Largus and Dioscorides (cc 46 AD) documented substantial therapeutic results with electrical currents in circulatory disorders and in the management of pain from neuralgia, headache and arthritis.
In the 1700s, European physicians used controlled electrical currents from electrostatic generators almost exclusively for numerous medical problems involving pain and circulatory dysfunction. During that period, Benjamin Franklin also documented pain relief by using electrical currents for "frozen shoulder."
In fact by 1910, approximately 50% of all U.S. physicians used electromedicine in their practice daily. Unfortunately for the science, an incorrect and unfair report emerged at this time. This report, produced by powerful special interest groups, discredited the value of both electromedicine and nutrition in medical practice. With fear of condemnation from certain medical institutions, (that were funded by these special interest groups), almost all American physicians abandoned electromedicine and nutrition from their practices. Although nutrition has re-established itself as a credible medical discipline in the U.S., electromedicine continues to face both the same special interest groups and the widespread prevailing misconceptions about the science.
Article taken from

Posted by JD Lusan | 

July 03, 2005
Recently I had the opportunity to watch the interview of Joel and Victoria Osteen of the Lakewood, TX church by Larry King. He is called the smiling preacher because of his joyful demeanor. It was a pleasure to see and listen to him as I have listened and learned from his messages on television. Joel was asked many questions by callers which I guess somewhat put him on the spot before Larry. I do think however he did a good job in answering the questions. Some people however seemed to think he was unclear in his answers. He has published a
letter on his website to clear up his
beliefs. I agree with his views and his reluctance to talking about who will go to heaven and who will not. That is not for man to decide. We can only walk in the way of Christ and obey the word of God. Leave the judging to God.
Posted by JD Lusan | 
