I have pretty much come to the conclusion that posting from my Blackberry is the easiest way to go for me. So here it goes.
I have mentioned a bit in my posts about one sort of spiritual wellness or the other, a bit about physical wellness and now I think it important to share a bit about financial wellness. Most of what I will share about financial wellness will be taken from a book I am reading called "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker. This book has done wonders for the way I think about money, wealth, and how to manage them. It gets pretty deep into the fact that since we were kids we were programmed how to think about money. Some of us were programmed to believe that having a lot of money is greed while others were programmed to believe that having a lot of money meant security. These are just two examples of many programs we have been taught. He considers these both to be somewhat negative programs. As for the first mentioned program, having a lot of money does not mean greed. The second program I mentioned shows that if there is no money there will be insecurity, therefore programmed to fear not having money which is no way to live either.

The second part of this book goes into I guess the right programs. As I continue reference this book in future posts I will probably refer to this part of "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind". One such program or "file" as he calls it is with the idea that the rich think different from the poor and middle class, which says "Rich people believe "I create my life" and poor people believe "Life happens to me". I can relate to this. I will sit and wonder at times that with all the things I am doing, why am I not successful? I have been playing the victim even blaming others and circumstances for my lack of success. Can you relate? If not, good for you. We can truly create victories for ourselves if we only change the way we think, change the program and the files within that program. How are you programed? Do you think you need to change the program?
Until next time.
Posted by JD Lusan | 

In addition to my last post I wanted to go ahead and recommend that you increase your knowledge of these most popular types of life insurance i.e.
term insurance,
whole life insurance and something most are not aware of
risk appraisal. I don't think we pay enough attention to these things because most of us get insurance from work. However, your life insurance from work is never enough and they never give you enough information. So learn as much as you can.
Posted by JD Lusan | 

I have been speaking a bit so far on health and wellness. While it is important to take care of yourself I believe it is equally important to be prepared for illness or even death, both of which could be quite a financial burden. The following website is highly recommended for extensive information on this area:
www.lifeinsurancehub.netYou can also find this link in my link section of this site.
Posted by JD Lusan |