Welcome to my blog. The goal of this site is to pretty much have fun while sharing my knowledge of health and financial, physical, spiritual, and environmental wellness. I invite you to make your comments and enjoy the resources you will find here. I don't claim to know it all so I do look forward to learning from you as well.

June 19, 2005

Therapeutic notes

Though I have not been journaling and writing as much as I should I must say how important I believe journaling is. Keeping a daily journal has been said to provide therapy in times of emotional stress (we have all experienced this right?). Journaling can also prevent stress by allowing us to relieve ourselves of the thoughts that can be distructive later on. At times we may also find that while writing our thoughts we recall things that we would not have if not for our brain at work finding informartion to put on paper.
As for sales executives, journals are an important part of your day. We try to commit our success to our memory after every appointment. The danger in that is that after leaving the prospect and heading into other appointments we forget the mood of the call and worse the important details to move the sale forward to close.
With that said. Do not commit your wealth or your health to memory.

Posted by JD Lusan |

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